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Cutting Edge Trauma Resuscitation by Dr. Ellen Omi
Pulmonary Embolism: A Comprehensive Approach by Dr. Eric Siegal
Optimize Your Next Code Blue by Dr. Kenneth Dodd
Sedation in the ICU by Dr. Isis Duran
Fatal Flaws in Alcohol Withdrawal Management by Poorvi Shah
ECMO for Respiratory Failure by Dr. Leon Eydelman
The Role of Interventional Pulmonary Physicians in the Critically Ill by Dr. Essam Mekhaiel
Refractory Hypoxemia: What To Do Next by Dr. Emily Jonas
Right Heart Failure: Hiding in Plain Sight by Dr. Pedro Salinas
Fluid Responsiveness: The Search For The Holy Grail by Dr. Matthew Tyler
Septic Shock: Five Things That Could Change Your Practice by Dr. David Barounis
The Altered Patient: A Neurological Perspective by Dr. Mian Urfy
Fluid Responsiveness by Dr. Matt Tyler
Critical Care Toxicology by Dr. Andrea Carlson
Intro to US by Dr. Katharine Burns
Thyroid Storm by Dr. Erin Drever
Acute Heart Failure Management by Dr. Chris Sciamanna
Status Epilepticus by Dr. Rochelle Sweis
Lung Transplantation for the Medical Resident
Dr. Kevin Tsui
Advanced EchocardiographyDr. Matthew Tyler
Ventilator Management in COPD and AsthmaDr. Emily Jonas
Acute Liver FailureDr. Harreth Radawi
Central Line Insertion: "A Vanishing Art"
Dr. Samir Patel
Your Friendly Neighborhood VentilatorDr. Nick Goodmanson
Echocardiography BasicsDr. Matthew Tyler
Extra Corporeal Membrane OxygenationDr. Leon Eydelman
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeDr. Emily Jonas
Pulmonary Embolism and PERTDr. David Barounis